samedi, juin 29, 2013
vendredi, juin 28, 2013
Odile and our community at large,
Please share this in email and social media. This is a continuing
report of how we in the USA can help in an international struggle.
This is focusing on what people are doing in NYS to send financial
support and moral support, which is equally important, to the Polish
We had another successful screening of DRILL BABY DRILL in Elmira, New
York USA. The audience was very attentive and the documentary stirred
much thought and emotion. The viewers of the movie saw and felt this
struggle of ordinary people who are up against this huge multinational
monster called gas and oil. It is obvious that their struggle is very
similar to ours. They drink vodka, we drink beer. The Polish people
are faced with corporate industrial bullies just as the people in
Dimock PA are. The difference is by what degree. The Polish people are
defending their children's futures far earlier into the intrusion.
They are blocking the beginning of this industry's attempt to gain a
foothold. They are smart and quick to see that the black water after
seismic testing was enough to set off an alarm. They are standing up,
tall and strong and saying NO FRACKING WAY! The industry will never
get a foothold because of the resilience of our Polish sisters and
brothers. Polish people understand how to fight extreme suppression.
Pay attention to history.
Dimock: There are few victims left of the drilling who are willing to
stand up and fight, not be silenced by non-disclosure agreements......
In the tradition of Lech Kowalski and Ray Kemble. The crowd that
showed up to see DRILL BABY DRILL experienced a surprise visit from
two strong fighters from PA. Their community is nothing like it was
before drilling came in. The audience was in shock and awe to see Ray
and his friend Brett walk into the room. They had just given him an
ovation in the film they viewed. He had given powerful testimony in
the film and showed remarkable resolve not to give in with his water
problems caused by careless drilling. It was like his presence on the
screen helped him to be actualized into the flesh in this church hall.
This was not an accident as we playfully planned this. It was Ray's
idea, that was inspired by a caper Lech and Ray performed on previous
audiences. A question came up during the questions and answers that
stumped me. It was about contradictory reports of bad water tests
becoming good again. Contradictions between EPA and DEP testing
results. I asked if someone in the audience knew about the Dimock
water issues or if perhaps there was someone from Dimock in the room.
On secret cue Ray and Brett Jennings walked into the room. Whispers
turned into "oh my goodness! here is the guy we just gave the ovation
to." After the excitement settled, stories were told by Ray and Brett
who experience this drilling phenomenon firsthand day by day, week
after week. The rawness of the film and the situation became all the
more real face to face with Ray and Brett.
After the questions and answers I was left with my heart in my
stomach, but my spirit soaring as I felt one more time in my being,
that this is all so surreal. I feel for those who are harmed and
affected and yet some miracle takes place in our collective being that
soars over my broken heart and circles around the world in one
instant. It comes back to remind me it is not just an environmental
issue we face; the sacrificial lamb is our very own humanity. How many
wells with spoiled water need to be counted to realize we have a huge
problem? How many children need to be exposed to bad air, noise and
worst of all; being forgotten.
I sit here writing this and cry to myself, and somehow I feel
stronger. Please take the time and see what's going on and make a
decision to help in some way. I would welcome the opportunity to hear
from you. I can offer suggestions how to help stop this atrocity being
orchestrated from behind our curtain of denial. Can you see the feet
of the monster exposed at the bottom part of this curtain? Do you dare
to help lift the curtain, face the beast, and defeat it?
thank you for reading this,
Dave Walczak
Assocaite Producer
GROUNDSWELL RISING protecting our children's air and water
a documentary project soon enough to arrive in your community
lundi, juin 24, 2013
Odile & Lech,
It was an honor for me to facilitate the Q &A after the screening.
We had a full theater in Corning NY USA screening Drill Baby Drill.
The audience was very attentive and stayed an hour and a half after
the screening. They were very inspired and there was much discussion
as to similarities and differences on the international anti-fracking
scene. The farmers in Poland were inspirational to the people who
came. We had one elected official.
During the question and answer time I interspersed answers to
questions that Odile answered from a list I emailed her earlier in the
day. That worked well to mix the words from Europe with ones in the
Everybody in attendance thought the film was inspiring and fresh! The
spirit of the movement was very alive!
The Ray Kimble interview had standing ovation (people were really
sitting). One woman commented "this film was unique and was more
effective in a foreign language. It was powerful with it's rawness and
truth! The message is more filtered here in the USA."
A 76 year old gentleman stood up at the end and said elders should
climb onto gas industry equipment and get arrested....adding he needs
something to do in his retirement years.
The film and the creative resistance Polish farmers are doing moved
people to a new level of commitment to be engaged.
The evening was high energy and brought attention to the need to keep
fighting in NEPA and Poland and of course Internationally. We are all
in this together!
We will keep taking this banner to screenings and events to support
Polish farmers who block Chevron from destroying communities.
Dave Walczak
Associate Producer
Groundswell Rising Documentary
mercredi, juin 12, 2013
In rural Pennsylvania, the cows are unwell. It is the heart of shale gas mining, and the farmers are belatedly realizing the devastation that the fracking has had upon their livelihoods. Filmmaker Lech Kowalski is taking careful note of what is happening in Pennsylvania – it is the harbinger of what is to come in Poland. Kowalski is on hand with his probing camera as a group of farmers in Eastern Poland awaken to the reality that Chevron is preparing to establish numerous mines on their land. Initially open to the idea, their internet research, coupled with their blackening well water, quickly sends alarm bells ringing. They mobilize to stop Chevron, but is it too late? A lack of concrete information, and the secretive nature of Chevron’s plans perpetuate an atmosphere of fear and paranoia, in this David vs. Goliath story with a surprising ending.
mercredi, juin 05, 2013
For our Austrian Friends, Drill Baby Drill / Gas-Fieber in Graz on June 11 at 15h30
Q&A with Lech Kowalski via Skype after the screening !
Q&A with Lech Kowalski via Skype after the screening !
Am Ende des fossilen Zeitalters nimmt der Run auf die
letzten föderbaren Öl- und Gasvorkommen immer destruktivere Formen an. Sie
werden mit immer gefährlicheren Methoden und immer weniger Rücksicht auf
Menschen und Umwelt aus der Erde gesaugt.
In den letzten Jahren wurde das sogenannte „Schiefergas“ zu
einem (vermeintlichen) Game Changer. In den USA herrscht Gold-Rush-Stimmung und
obwohl immer klarer wird, dass die Förderung enorme Gesundheits- und
Umweltschäden verursacht, versuchen die Energiekonzerne derzeit auch in Europa
(auch die OMV in Österreich) in größerem Ausmaß an die für sie äusserst
profitable Ressource zu kommen.
Doch was ist dieses Schiefergas eigentlich und welche Folgen
hat seine Förderung? Diesen Fragen geht Lech Kowalskis Gas-Fieber nach. An den
Beispielen von Bradford County, Pennsylvania, einer Region, in der die
Förderung schon relativ lange betrieben wird, und der Region um die
ostpolnische Stadt Zamosc, deren Bewohner_innen sich bisher erfolgreich gegen
die Förderung von Schiefergas wehren konnten, veranschaulicht er die Kluft
zwischen der Realität der Schiefergasförderung und dem Idealbild, mit dem die
Konzerne den Europäer_innen das sogenannte unkonventionelle Erdgas schmackhaft
machen wollen.
More information:
dimanche, juin 02, 2013
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Waiting for the bus in Krakow with Alex Dayet who worked on film with us |
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and Raphaelle shooting for Arte website |
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Arrival of the bus from East Poland : 6 hours trip one way! |
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Phillipe Muller from Arte is meeting all the polish characters |
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Tee shirts where made specially for the screening |
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back of the Tee shirt |
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All the stars from Drill Baby Drill |
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Arrival in festival office |
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With Philippe Muller from French German channel Arte |
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Barbara make-up before festival tv interview |
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Make-up for the director |
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Make up for the mayor ! |
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Make up for everybody!
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Q&A with Philippe Muller |
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Screening in Krakow with Barbara |
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Polish vodka and flowers |
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